
AR Cash Receipt - Bank Fee gets automatically added to the receipt by error

  • 24 November 2021
  • 1 reply

AR Cash Receipt - Bank Fee gets automatically added to the receipt by error but they not visible, unless you force run an Edit List. The cash receipt module is otherwise stuck, can’t apply amounts from within, -negative index error-, can’t revert receipts, basically stuck.

Our company uses 2 types of Bank Fees - A bank charge, and an interest charge, they both are GL controlled into specific accounts, nothing special.

We are using DMT to upload cash receipts sometimes, not always, and only 1 customer has Bank Fees in their receipts.

1 reply

Opened a Case in Epicare and they suggest(see below) which doesn’t work for us.

Knowledge Article KB0038909 - Turning Off BPMs In E10 Please do this for ALL method directives and data directives... I will advise you to do this in a test environment. If the issue is not replicable in test, you will need to do a copy from live to test it out since deactivating all customs will affect all users. Please try it out, and let us know if the issue persists.
