Calling all Users! Users Needed!

Userlevel 3
  • Community Manager
  • 174 replies
Hello Group,

Welcome to the latest edition of DP4P (Doug Pleading for Presenters).

Michael Cromer, from the WPAEUG, and I are putting together a meeting for July 21 and while we have more than enough volunteers from consultants and 3rd-party service providers, we have no user presentations lined up.

I know I sound like a broken record, but we need some participation from the users to make this user group successful and for it to continue to be valuable to all of us. 

This is your big chance!  Maybe some of you are shy about public speaking, maybe some of you would rather just defer to someone else presenting.  This is a virtual meeting where no cameras are required.  Just share your screen.

What topic? ANY!  You may think it is too basic or silly to present the topic you have in mind.  I assure you it is not.  If you are having trouble thinking of a topic, I will offer suggestions but you may choose your own not on this list:
DMT, AMM, C# for beginners, CRM Mobile, Bank Statement Processing, Asset Management (In Epicor or another software), Subcontract Operations, Security best practices, Patching on ERP 10 (not upgrade), and of course any topic you want to present.

Please reply to this post or email me your ideas!

Thanks and take care all!


Doug Oswald
Manager of IT
Insaco Corporation
Quakertown PA

2 replies

Hey all,

A big topic I have seen a lot from customers recently is the quality topic; if anyone is leveraging the base Quality Assurance module within ERP (non-conformance, DMR, etc.), or perhaps a more extended flavor of quality in Epicor (IE our EQA module), I would say that is a relevant presentation a lot of users would like to see.  Bonus would be a presentation on leveraging the EQA module in alignment with Maintenance Management for machine calibration.

With that said, any other topics would be great - we had a lot of success/attendance with the last virtual meeting we held, and I'd love to see that momentum keep moving this year into our next opportunities to hold in-person meetings.  

Let's help Doug out!!  Thanks Doug for your efforts in organizing, as always!!


Quinn Foley Epicor
Epicor Software
Minneapolis MN
Userlevel 1
Hi Doug, @jcraft​ and I were discussing the Sales Order entry process in the WPA group. When Aerotech transitioned to Epicor we revamped our Order entry process at the same time to make it paperless, among other changes. If that is of interest to others, I could talk about that. We leveraged a few Epicor features along with other 3rd party tools.

Byron Fruit
Aerotech, Inc.
Pittsburgh PA
