Call for Topics for August 12 meeting

Userlevel 3

The next regular meeting for the Epicor Midwest Users Group (EMUG) is scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, 2020.  Since the last meeting went so well and with the continued limitations on group gatherings, this will be a virtual (online) meeting.  We are also teaming up with the Iowa User Group to do a joint meeting.  You'll get to meet Epicor users you may not have seen before. 

Have a direct impact on the agenda for the meeting!  Give us your feedback on topics you want addressed at this quarterly meeting or let us know if you're willing to be a presenter.  We're always looking for users to "tell their stories" and share experiences with the membership.  Please respond to Kay at (630) 672-7688 or by July 8.  We'll pool responses from the Iowa EUG as well as our group and come up with a joint list of presentations.

Mark your calendars to save the August 12th date!

EMUG meetings are sponsored by the following vendors:

Fred Zelhart CodaBears
CodaBears, Inc.
Roselle IL

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