
Finding Hours needed to produce Part (incorporating all lower levels), by Operation/Resource Group

We are interesting in finding Hours needed to produce a Part (incorporating all lower levels), by Operation/Resource Group, with the ability to change Qty.  Seems easy, right?  Maybe it is?  But we need assistance.

Practical purpose:  If asked to accept an order for certain qty of a top level part, we’d like to be able to figure the amount of hours this order would take by resource group in our shop.

It seems all information would be located under:

Quoting: Quoting Worksheet/Analysis

Part:  Method Master

Scheduling:  Scheduling by job to see total required hours within each Resource group

But is there something easy that may already exist, that we are missing?  Trying not to have to create this on our own.  Preferably using the Part Methods Master to avoid needing to create Quote or job for this exercise.


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