
MES shortcut downdates Kinetic

  • 23 March 2022
  • 1 reply

We had a minor Epicor update over the weekend (2021.2.13) Now the MES shortcuts on the machine shop PCs downdate Epicor and it cannot run. Our MES shortcuts are set up to use a separate sysconfig file and are in the startup folder so that MES auto-logs in when the PC is rebooted. The only difference in the separate sysconfig file is the auto-login parameters:

This is what happens when MES is run after the upgrade:

  • It downloads and runs, then downloads and runs
    2022-03-23 10_53_32-Auto Update

  • Then it shows this error:
    2022-03-23 11_10_48-Launch Error

Running the regular Epicor shortcut re-updates Epicor and restores functionality:
2022-03-23 11_01_47-Auto Update

Has anyone else discovered this bug, and if so have you found a workaround?

1 reply

Userlevel 2

We have a similar issue, and also with XLC.

Our solution has been to log on to Kinetics and then log in to MES.

For some reason we have a few shop floor PC’s that do not like to upgrade.  Going into Kinetics/Epicor resolves the sysconfig issue.



