
Part Attachment Two Parts - Same File

  • 31 December 2020
  • 3 replies

I have part families that share part drawings so their attachment file names are the same.  I have attempted to create the links via DMT and by using the part maintenance screen but continue to receive errors that the file name is a duplicate.  I have tried a few variations but do not have a solution yet.

Has anyone solved this issue?  I am on E10.2.700.6 on premise.

Below is a sample DMT file.

Company PartNum DrawDesc FileName DocTypeID
12345 PartA PartA.dwg \\server\share\Part\12345\Parta.dwg PartDraw
12345 PartB PartB.dwg \\server\share\Part\12345\Parta.dwg PartDraw

3 replies

Userlevel 3

I have solved this load.

You need to look at how Epicor is storing the link to best understand this.

When you link a file a record is created on the X-ref table

  1. Take your list  - remove the duplicate file names and load only one line per attachment and load into the Ext File Ref table 
XFileRefNum PDMDocID BaseFileName DocTypeID XFileDesc XFileName ExternalSystemDoc
101 1 123.JPG   123.JPG E:\Engineering\123.JPG DMTLoad


  1. Create BAQ that lists the XRef to determine the real XFileRefnum (the xfileRefNum is assigned by Epicor)

3. Create your load using the XRef number.

PartNum RevisionNum XFileRefNum FileName PDMDocID DocTypeID DrawDesc
901-123 J 1164 E:\Engineering\123.jpg 1,171   123.jpg


Thank you, Bruce.  The part that I was missing was not leaving the DocTypeID field blank.  Once I removed that, I was able to execute the DMT and the single drawing file is now associated to multiple part numbers.


Userlevel 3

My answer to the same initial question would be to use the Storage Type “Attachment Link” in Document Type Maintenance (instead of File System Document). That settings allows one document in one particular folder to be referenced on many parts. The down side is that Epicor does not copy the file from the user’s location into the Epicor document location, instead the user has to manually place the file into that particular directory before attempting to attach it to a part.


