
Search filter with date range

  • 31 December 2020
  • 3 replies

  • Anonymous
  • 0 replies

How can I add a date range to my search?  If not available, can one be added?

3 replies

As long as you have a data field, you can add a Date range filter on a dashboard or BAQ

svanniman, can you provide example, if you are not referring to dashboard or BAQ. If you are referring to dashboard or BAQ, there are a few ways, reply you need more info.

Userlevel 2

In your query add a calculated field equal to your original date field. Then in the dashboard you can add a date filter for each field in the tracker, >= for your start date and <= for the ending (calculated) date. And hide the calculated field in the display grid.

Is that what you’re looking for?

