
Set QOH to 1

  • 11 November 2021
  • 9 replies

I am looking for either a DMT or other solution to set a list of Parts to QOH to 1.   The problem is I just want to sent them to 1 the previous Inventory is not valid.    Looking for a strategy to get this done for a list of parts.   Just curious if anyone has any ideas or suggestions.  Thanks

9 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi David, 


A few questions such as are the parts are serial/lot tracked and in multiple locations?

Essentially write a BAQ to output a DMT file with the required fields.

Then have a calculated field to tell you what required adjustment is needed.

Calculation would be something along the lines of -binvalue + 1

In a simple format if you had 10 in stock the above would give you a adjustment of -9 taking you back to your required stock figure of 1.


Hope that makes sense :)

Userlevel 2

And you’d need to use the Quantity Adjustment in DMT with a sheet that looks something like this:




They are not Serial or lot tracked and are all in the same locations.   Not a bad suggestion, just wish I could do it in a simple step.   I will see if I can attempt that.   Thanks for the feedback and I welcome any other suggestions you have!  

Userlevel 1

Should be pretty straight forward then David. Needless to say there may be some values moving around based on costing method, etc. Have fun!

This is a simple process with DMT.  However, since you are changing QOH be aware that there will be cost adjustments that hit the GL.  We generally do this kind of thing on Sunday or such so the transactions created are visible.  Since you say the QOH that is current is not valid, you want to be sure that accounting has visibility to the transactions that are generated by the adjustments so they can offset them in the GL. 

Userlevel 2

You could be opening a big mess of accounting  trouble.  Changing the inventory quantity creates a transaction in your general ledger to posting the value of your inventory change as an expense and reduce the assets. Not sure if DMT or other mass change program would do that. I would certainly test it on a few items  before using it in mass. Otherwise you will end up with a bunch of assets on your books that don’t exist and what is the correct value?



Userlevel 2

And you’d need to use the Quantity Adjustment in DMT with a sheet that looks something like this:




I had not seen this before and will look at at it next time I do a count instead using qty adjustment.

Userlevel 4

I highly recommend completing inventory counts using the count mechanism in Epicor.  However, for one-time adjustments touching a large number of part numbers, a DMT quantity adjustment as others have described here, is worth gold.  Try it in Test first.  And do all this in concert with Finance.



Userlevel 2

Monty raises a good point.  There are help documents from the Epicor Care site on how to create a selective count for the parts you want.  This is something that could be done by operations staff rather than IT.  The one downside for the count process is that it is by part and not location so if these same parts exist in another location then this will require more counts than needed. 
