
Purchase Order DMT for Blanket PO


Has any one successfully loaded blanket/contract purchase order via DMT? 

I keep getting a vague invalid qty error, but does not give me specifics on which qty is invalid.  I have tried several different combination on the Purchase Order Header, Purchase Order Detail and PO Combined.  I can only get the Contract info updated at the line level, but not at the header level.  


2 replies

I tried to today.  kept giving me the “Read Only” field when i tried to TRUE the ContractOrder field.  After a couple hours, i gave up.  If anyone finds a way please let me know.  We intend to use ONE part number per Contract PO so got a bunch to create.




what fields did you have in your DMT template?  i get hungo on marking a PO as contractorder.  the errors says it is a read-only field.  did you overcome that?  
