
Inventory WIP Reconciliation Report - Excessive Time To Complete - 3 hrs+

  • 5 April 2022
  • 7 replies

We have recently migrated from E10.1.400.20 on Premise to Kinetic in the Cloud.

Prior to the ‘upgrade’ the InvWIPRec report used to take ~ 7 minutes to complete.

Since the move to Kinetic it’s now taking in excess of 3 hours (for a months data).

The other frustration is that now we’ve lost access to Crystal reports we seem to have to run the report twice - once as a pdf (for audit purposes) and then again as a CSV (which we use for analysis).

In E10 we used to be able to preview and then either export to csv and/or print to pdf.

We do not have an excessive number of transactions per month (~400-500 pages of pdf report).

Epicor are suggesting that the issue relates to old Nil Value ADJ-CST transactions that are not being posted to the GL and are being evaluated each time the report is run. Their solution is to flag the transactions as ‘posted to GL’. 

I run the report from 01/01/2020 to end of current period (31/03/2022) to pick up any old transactions.

The report takes 6 minutes to clear data pre 01/03/2022  and then the rest of the time to process/evaluate March transactions.

I’ve pasted an extract of the log file (excel):-



Is anyone else struggling with InvWIPRec report on Cloud?

Does anyone have any idea what may be slowing the report in Cloud when it ran quickly on Prem?

We are generally experiencing slightly slower processing on Cloud than on Prem but nothing like the issues with InvWIPRec.

Appreciate anybody’s feedback as Epicor don’t seem to be able to resolve.



7 replies

Hi Other Epicor Users.

Nobody seems to be experiencing speed issues to the extent I am.

Can I ask with what frequency people are running the CCW (weekly/monthly etc) and how long the InvWIPRec is taking to complete?



Userlevel 1

Hi Martin,

How many +/- transactions do you have unposted when you run the InvWIPRec report, so I can compare with other of our customers we have on the cloud.

Concerning the lost of Crystal Report. In previous implementation, I have been modify the InvWip Report to make it easy to use in Excel (eg you can add add the part on each line and the accounts). This is possible by making a new report style.

An other solution that can help is the use of FastClose that has some special template to reconcile the Inventory Wip. The solution exist since years and are use by different UK customers. The solution has been now release for the cloud. If you want more information about it I can put in contact with Nick from FastClose.

I hope the above can be already help you and don’t hesitate to come back to me with the number of transactions,


Have a nice end of day,



Hi Thierry,

I’m sorted now thanks.

Managed to speak to Matthew Sparks (an Epicor gentleman from the States) who helped determine that we had an active PE Log on the COS WIP transaction type - this was dramatically slowing the report. We suspect the log has been active since we went live on Epicor in 2011. :-(

Once un-ticked the process went from ~3.5 hrs to ~ 3 minutes (for a months data).

In answer to your question when extracted to CSV we have just over 24,000 Dr/Cr transactions on the report (not sure if this a lot).

In response to your comment re the Crystal report I now run the report twice - once to pdf and then  again to CSV. The CSV output looks a little untidy but is extremely useful when viewed by a Pivot Table in excel - this is quite satisfactory for our purposes but I will investigate FastClose as we are looking for some kind of Visual Management Tool to use with Epicor.

If you could forward contact details for Nick that would be great.



Userlevel 1

Hi Martin,

This is great. I was suspecting this as it is the first time I was listening complain about this for customers moving to Kinetic.

Concerning the Crystal/Report Issue, you can maybe use the SSRS Breaking Routing to issue the two file on the same time this will allow you to generate the CSV/Excel and the pdf on the same time. Also, IU really recommend if you did not do it yet to modify the WIPReconciliation report based on the standard one, so you directly have the correct column in Excel.

Concerning FastClose the good thing is that their template can be run directly from Excel and all reports can be scheduled and work on the live database. The main contact is Nick ( Nick did a presentation recently of how to use FastClose to easily expose data to PowerBI without having to reinvent all the queries.

If you want you can send me an email at, so I can forward your information to Nick.

Have a nice evening,


Hi Thierry,

I seem to be able to start the InvWIPRec as a pdf and then immediately start as a CSV and both reports complete at pretty much the same time.

I will investigate the Routing option though.

Re the CSV export - I only recently discovered the CSV option at the top of the output format list as my screen defaults to pdf with the CSV option hidden at the top of the list:-


I’ve used the Excel Data Only option for years and struggled with the format.

The CSV format is so much more manageable from a Pivot Table perspective.

I shall email you re FastClose as we are keen to understand what Visual Management options are available re Epicor Data.



Userlevel 1

Hi Martin,

With the SSRS Breaking, you will for example be able when you generate the CSV to automatically email the pdf to you.

You can use the the “User Action to do this”.

This is print screen of my SSRS Breaking to send invoice by email and on the same time perform what the user do (print as pdf, excel….)



I hope this help,

Concerning FastClose, Nick is waiting your call/email.

Have a nice day,




I am also having issue wit the Inventory/WIP Reconciliation report 


It is erroring out at the end of the month  
