

  • 14 January 2021
  • 8 replies

I have created a dashboard that has multiple queries. I have published the ProjectID field from one of the queries and subscribed to it from the other 2. My problem is, I want the user to be able to enter multiple ProjectIDs because some projects are related and they would like to see the information returned for the related projects. When I modify the tracker and add additional ProjectID entry fields, the dashboard doesn’t return anything. As long as I enter one ProjectID it works great, but more than one doesn’t work. I’m guessing it’s evaluating as And instead of Or. Is there any way to make this work?

8 replies

One possible way is to parameterize the header query and include a condition WHERE ProjectID = @param1 OR ProjectID = @param2 (OR ProjectID = @param3, etc.). The user will be prompted to enter the ProjectIDs when the dashboard loads.

I tried that, but when I opened the dashboard and hit refresh, the parameter entry box didn’t pop up.

Ok, I got the parameters to come up, but they don’t flow through to the other grids in the Dashboard. Any ideas?

Double check the filter/subscription criteria for the footer queries & double check the “refresh on load” settings are all I can think of.

Userlevel 3
  • Use a UD table and set up an updatable BAQ that allows new records and enter in new rows with  Key1 (projectID) and checkboxes link Key1 to the projectID on your other queries 
  • Place the UD Query on your dashboard and eliminate the need for the parameters.


Bruce, can you elaborate a little? Setup a UD Table to enter in the Project ID’s I want info on, so this table will update with the multiple ProjectID? Setup Key1 As the ProjectID. I’m a little lost at the checkboxes point. What are the checkboxes for? When you say link Key1 to the projectID on the other queries, how do I do that? Publish and Subscribe? Do I empty the table after every use and if so, how?

Userlevel 3

Here’s the basic steps that I would do for modeling and also releasing.

  1. Select a UD table - UD10 for example
    • Place a menu item in the executive Analysis -->Seutp for UD10 for manual access to the table
    • Use this when you are building the BAQs for testing
    • Also to delete projectIDs if you want
  2. Open up BAQs and create an updateable BAQ using UD10 only.
    • Select Key1 thru Key5, Company required to be displayed
    • Select Checkbox01
    • Make Key1 and checkbox01 updatable.
    • Allow new records and multiple row updates
  3. Open up the BAQs that you want to filter based on the projectIDs
    • Place UD10 into the query joining Key1 to the project table
      use an inner join
    • Set criteria on UD10 that Checkbox01 = TRUE
  4. Open up your dashboard
    • Add the UD10 query to the dashboard
      only display Key1 renamed to ProjectID and Checkbox01 as (selected)
    • Drag the field to the left side of the screen for your “filter box”
    • No need for publish and subscribe because you have done it in the BAQs
    • Deploy the dashboard
  5. Using the dashboard
    • Select the Filter list and click new
    • Add the project ID
    • Check the Checkbox01 for the projects you want to view

Hope that helps…




Thanks Bruce! I’ll give it a try!
