
Incorrect Supplier payment details being used

  • 7 September 2021
  • 1 reply

When invoices are processed (accounts payable) they attach themselves to a bank account.  If the supplier changes bank details it doesn’t update the posted invoice so when the invoices are pulled through on the payment run it’ll pay the bank account that was set when posted rather than pay to the new bank account.  Resulting in payments being returned back to the business bank account meaning we have to send a payment again 

Am I missing something or is there a way round this, as it seems a bit backwards that upon changing the bank details that epicor would default to old payment details 

1 reply

The invoice gets connected to the supplier bank at the time of processing. This is because some suppliers can have more than one bank account. You can update the supplier bank account on posted invoicesin posted invoice update. When changing supplier bank if the current bank account will be invalid you need to look for transactions in process and update them as well as the supplier master.
