
Moving parts to inventory when part is not completely finished

  • 2 February 2021
  • 4 replies

Hello all,

We are trying to find a solution to handle parts that are in process but are unable to be completed.  in our current system (non Epicor) we would move them to inventory under a subassembly part number to show haw far in the process the part was completed.  With operations in Epicor I lose that subassembly part number.  How do you handle when you complete operation 10 and get to operation 20 but the material is not available to complete the quantity of the job,  What are you doing with the unfinished\completed parts?    We are running 10.2.400

4 replies

One thought could be to create a NonConformance at the not yet completed operation to push them to inspection / DMR warehouse location. In the NC entry you can add comments for details and also select the Reason for NC Material Shortage as example so all can then later track how much the shop is affected by these unplanned shortages. They could sit in the inspection queue until the material arrives then disposition them back to the job and you would have some traceability and ability to pull reports. One question is will the job remain open in your process if all the remaining quantity is moved off? Then a new job would be needed for disposition as rework with the MOM attached to start at that next operation.

Ideally no job would start with shortages but things happen so hope this is a minimal impact to the operations flow.

Userlevel 4

It seems to me that what you have described is nothing more than Work in Process (WIP).  Is there some reason why the standard WIP tracking/accounting functionality does not suffice for your scenario?

Thank you for the replies.  What is the standard WIP  tracking/accounting functionality you are referring to?  Just leaving the parts in the job?

Userlevel 4

Yes, that’s correct.  Let the jobs remain as they are until the needed materials become available and then continue with production.  Does that method not work for some reason?
