
Trackers - Exporting to Excel

  • 30 June 2022
  • 4 replies

Is there a trick to getting all rows to export to Excel (specifically Part Tracker but probably all trackers) in the new Kinetic view. When opening Part Tracker Export to Excel only exports the first 100 or so rows. You have to scroll down until all the rows have been populated on the screen before this works. It isn't a big deal but it does takes more time than is necessary. 

4 replies

Hi @kstinnett .  I hate to be one of those people who answers with “I don’t know”, but there seem to have been a lot of views and no updates so I may as well.   

I’m not seeing the same behavior.  The Excel sheet has all the Parts.  I tried clearing cache and restarting the Epicor client.  As soon as I saw the vertical ellipsis, I clicked it and Export to Excel as quickly as I could.  It took a minute for the Save box to appear.  All the Parts were there.  I also tried right-click > Copy all with labels.  That worked too.  

If this is happening consistently it’s probably a good idea to call Epicor Support.

Yeah I tried that and it didn’t work. Appreciate the feedback


Depends on which version you’re running.

2021.x had issues. 2022.x apparently will return the first 5000 rows. I personally haven’t tried them all, but the ones I did try seem to work - up to the 5000 limit. Not sure what I’ll do if I need to get more than 5000 rows, but, you know, one thing at a time.

Userlevel 4

Are most people pegging the trackers and dashboards to WinForms while these bugs are being worked?  Or in cases where more than 5000 records may be needed?  I know Epicor will one day pull this capability, but for now it’s still there.
